Bifrost Document

Version 1.6.x

Bifrost ---- A heterogeneous middleware which can synchronize MySQL binlog data To Redis,MongoDB,ClickHouse...




  1. sliceId/ID : whick sync / Auto increment ID

  2. PluginType : PluginName

  3. ToServerKey : The global unique value must be unique when adding the target database

  4. FieldList :

  5. Others :

1). MustBeSuccess : Every piece of data must succeed ( >= v1.4.0 Bifost.ini plugin_commit_timeout,plugin_retry_sync_time usable)

2). FilterQuery : filter sql

3). FilterUpdate : In the update event, the data of the selected field has not been updated. Do you want to filter it

4). BinlogFileNum : last success binlog position

5). BinlogPos : last success binlog position

6). LastBinlogFileNum : The binlog file number of the last entry into the queue

7). LastBinlogPosition : The binlog position of the last entry into the queue

8). QueueMsgCount : msg count in queue

  1. PluginParam :

  2. Error : error info

Last updated on 1 Nov 2020
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