Bifrost Document

Version 1.6.x

Bifrost ---- A heterogeneous middleware which can synchronize MySQL binlog data To Redis,MongoDB,ClickHouse...

History setting

If there is no configuration table to synchronize to the target database, full synchronization cannot be configured


1. click button “刷全量数据”


2. change param



Where : exampe “ update_time >= ‘2019-11-23 00:00:00’ AND user_id = 100 “

ThreadNum : how many mysql conntion to select

ThreadCountPer : limit $count

ToServer :

3. click button “保存”

If there is a problem with the where condition, it will prompt an error and cannot be saved.

4. alert success ,and Prompt jump to history list

5. click button “start”

6. 全量任务 history List

DbName : DataSource Name

SchemaName : SchemaName

TableName : TableName


1). ThreadNum : select connection count

2). ThreadCountPer : limit $count

3). Where : where condition

NowStartI : Next sql start limit NowStartI


1). Num : Which connection

2). NowStartI : LIMIT NowStartI,ThreadCountPer

3). Error : select error info

ToServerIDList :

StartTime : start time

OverTime : over time,only select over,does not mean synchronization


1). close :

2). running :

3). halfway : select error or killed

4). over : all is over

5). killed :

5). selectOver : select over,does not mean synchronization

Last updated on 23 Nov 2019
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