Bifrost Document

Version 1.6.x

Bifrost ---- A heterogeneous middleware which can synchronize MySQL binlog data To Redis,MongoDB,ClickHouse...


2855000 You must select the MySQL table first, then select the ClickHouse plug-in, and then select the ClickHouse library table. If the ClickHouse table fields are the same as the MySQL table fields, the ClickHouse table fields will be automatically populated

When the ClickHouse table is not selected, the structure of the ClickHouse table is automatically created according to the data type during synchronization

MySQL > create tables from ClickHouse; MySQL > create tables from ClickHouse; MySQL > create tables from ClickHouse

If the ClickHouse database name is selected and the table name is not selected, the table is automatically created based on the field type

Automatically create table rules

Forced to 日志模式-追加(InsertAll) synchronization mode

Bifrost_data_version and binlog_event_type will be automatically added, corresponding to {$bifrostdatatype} and {$EventType} tags

If there are fewer or more fields on the source side and they do not correspond to ClickHouse table fields, the ClickHouse field data is automatically populated with default values

A table that does not have a self-increment field on the source side will automatically abandon synchronization for that table

DDL synchronization is supported when filterQuery: False is set


ClickHouse applies the storage type in MySQL

TINYINT ( Int8 | UInt8 ) , SMALLINT ( Int16 | UInt16 ) , MEDIUMINT ( Int32 | UInt32 ), INT ( Int32 | UInt32 ) , BIGINT ( Int64 | UInt64 )

FLOAT ( Float64 ) , DOUBLE ( Float64 ) ,REAL ( Float64 )

NUMERIC( Float64 )

DECIMAL( DECIMAL32 ==> Decimal32 , DECIMAL64 ==> Decimal64 , DECIMAL128 | DECIMAL256 ==> String )

DATE ( Date )

TIME ( String )

YEAR ( Int16 )


CHAR , VARCHAR ( String )



ENUM ( String )

SET ( String )

BIT ( Int64 )

BOOL ( Int8 )

JSON ( String )



Bifrost Version:1.7+

Do not select the table and let Bifrost build the table automatically

Set FilterQuery : False



  • CHANGE COLUMN DataType (not support field rename)




0(do not turn) : create the table directly by the source table case

1(lowercase) : Library table names and fields are changed to lowercase

2(uppercase) : Library table names and fields are uppercase



eg : tcp://

Sync Mode

**普通模式(Normal) : **

Source insert, update, delete, object library also corresponding to the insert, update, delete, suggest ClickHouse table a new field, called bifrost_data_version use {$BifrostDataVersion} tags, used in asynchronous delete data security

**日志模式-追加(InsertAll) : **

Add a new record to ClickHouse by converting DELETE,UPDATE to INSERT

To do this, create a new field called EventType(String) in the ClickHouse table. When the synchronization is configured, the EventType field is filled with the {$EventType} tag in the input box

This operation is to type all the operation records from the data source into ClickHouse for storage

**日志模式-UPDATE(LogUpdate) : **

Add a new record to ClickHouse by converting DELETE,UPDATE to INSERT

To do this, create a new field called EventType(String) in the ClickHouse table. When the synchronization is configured, the EventType field is filled with the {$EventType} tag in the input box

This operation is to type all the operation records from the data source into ClickHouse for storage


{$Timestamp} : The synchronization timestamp is not the time when the Binlog occurred

{$EventType} : Event type,insert delete update three strings

{$BinlogTimestamp} : The timestamp recorded by Binlog

{$BinlogFileNum} : For example, if the Binlog file is mysql-bin.000001, the value of the BinlogFileNum is 1

{$BinlogPosition} :

{$BifrostDataVersion} : The data version number and field type must be INT64 or UINT64, which will be used in asynchronous deletion to ensure data security


When the DECIMAL type was automatically converted to a table in 1.6 and earlier, it was forced to be a String

After version 1.7+, Deciaml(M,D), when M <= 18, is converted to Deciaml64, which is converted to String

The current Bifrost CK plugin does not support Deciaml128 and Decimal256

Automatic filtering rules (normal synchronization mode)

If the same primary key data in the same batch of brush data, will automatically filter redundant operations


  • example 1:
  1. insert into t (id,user_name) values (1,“name_1”)
  2. update t set user_name = “name_2” where id = 1


only user_name = “name_2” , and the first statement is not executed


  • example 2:
  1. insert into t (id,user_name) values (1,“name_1”)
  2. update t set user_name = “name_2” where id = 1
  3. insert into t (id,user_name) values (1,“name_3”)
  4. delete from t where id = 1

Only the last DELETE statement is executed


The UPDATE operation is converted to DELETE and then INSERT twice



ClickHouse 18+ needed

If the source side is a String type such as DECIMAL or VARCHAR, and the target side is of type FLOAT32, FLOAT64, or DECIMAL, and the data type is converted, there may be precision loss. To ensure that the precision is not lost, the ClickHouse side uses String type

If the data source is of type String, and the CK table structure is of type Int or Float, the cast will be 0 or 0.00

The batchSize parameter represents the number of bytes accumulated in ClickHouse. If no data has been sent from MySQL, then the default timeout is 5 seconds

The field of the {$bifrostdatesource} tag must be of the INT64 or UINT64 data type

Last updated on 30 Jan 2021
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